Healthy Iced Coffee At Home
Posted 11:27 PM by Sexi Baker Sela in Labels: coffee, drinks, healthy, recipe, sugar-free, summer recipes
I love iced coffee! I don't love all the calories and sugar and I don't love having to go out and get some but sometimes making it at home taste a little watered down. I toyed with how to make good iced coffee (it's a lot more complex then just adding ice to regular coffee or you'll get a watered down mess) and found a way. In the week and half since my air-conditioner has been broken, I've made this in the mornings and afternoons to help keep me refreshed. This recipe isn't specific in measurements so that you can decide how you like your coffee, creamier or stronger and so that you can make either a little bit or a whole lot.
Healthy Iced Coffee
What you need: freshly ground fair-trade coffee grinds (I use a Peruvian blend)| purified water |cold sugar-free coffee creamer, you choice of flavor |cold fat-free (I use lactose-free) milk | loads of ice | Truvia sweetener if you want a sweeter iced coffee
How you make it:
1) Brew coffee in your pot using the purified water (cleaner, truer taste) and fair-trade coffee grinds, as usual except make it stronger than you normally would. Regular strength coffee will become watery with all the extra milk and ice.
2) Pour the coffee into your desired container, cover and put in the freezer to chill for about 10 minutes. Use about one half more the normal amount of coffee you normally use to avoid a diluted taste.
3) Add the normal amount of creamer you would normally use plus about 1 1/2 tsp and mix.
4) Add 1/4th cup to up to a full cup of milk to the coffee (it depends on how you like your coffee and how big a cup or how many servings your making, which is why I leave the exact measurements up to you. Mix well.
5) Fill the rest of your cup up with the ice and avoid stirring (that will make the ice melt faster).
6) Enjoy!
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